Thursday, 29 September 2011

Thursday 29 September

Hello everyone, I just wanted to update you that the report on the proposal for a new senior management structure has been published and is available on our website.

The cabinet will meet on Thursday 6 October to consider the report. I would like to say thank you to all of you who submitted your views and thoughts on the proposed structure, which I have considered in the preparation of the report.

The proposal is a reflection of the strong position that we are currently in. We have a clear strategic plan for the next few years; our four year business plan sets out how we intend to manage the challenges we face and we have a strong and highly skilled management team. Our key priority now is to make sure that we focus on delivering this plan.

It is in this context that a new senior management model is proposed. It is critical that we continue to deliver our front line services and to minimise the reduction of resources in these service areas. Our focus will be less on strategy and more on delivery.

I would not have put forward such a proposal unless I firmly believed in all of you, and your commitment to deliver what's right for the people of Wiltshire.

I will be in touch again soon.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Hello everyone... I am writing this blog in Lincoln, where I am currently part of a peer review team, piloting the government’s new assessment model for local authorities’ performance and standards.

Meanwhile, we (Wiltshire) continue to be in the media spotlight and some of you may have seen the Politics Show on Sunday, where we were featured for our transformational approach in proposing a new structure that removes the post of chief executive. The coverage made it clear that we will be of national interest if the proposal is agreed, to see how it works, so we will continue to be of media interest for some time. I was also interviewed by the Local Government Chronicle last week and an article will be published in this week’s edition.

Thank you to all of you who have submitted your views and thoughts on the proposed structure. The consultation period ends today and all the comments received will be considered as part of the report that will go to a special Cabinet meeting on 6 October. The date reflects the time needed to consider your comments and any alternative proposal that may be received.

I am aware that some of you have asked about the principles behind the proposal, particularly regarding the structure chart published on my last blog entry. The report to cabinet will cover this in more detail, but the key principles are;

· To focus on the delivery of our 4-year business plan

· To deliver transformational change and improvement programmes

· To focus on communities and people and not on services

· To adopt a corporate approach and remove silo thinking and working

· To develop one culture that reflects our values

· To make savings of £500,000 from strategic posts and not delivery posts

As I said last week, I would not have put forward such a proposal without the confidence in all of you and your hard work and commitment in delivering what’s right for the people of Wiltshire. This combined with our clear vision and plans for the next four years places us in a position of strength to be able to consider this new model.

I will be in touch again soon.


Friday, 16 September 2011

Friday 16 September 2011

Well what a week! We have been in the media spotlight and I suspect this will continue for some time. I have been asked by local and national media about the proposal for a different leadership model and, my response, which I hope you may have read or heard, is that I fundamentally believe that the council is in a position of strength, and that we have all the strategic plans in place and can now focus on delivery and do what’s best for the people of Wiltshire. That is why the proposal makes the savings of £500,000 from the senior strategic posts and not from delivery posts elsewhere in the organisation.

I am also being asked, a lot, about who will lead the organisation. I am quite clear that the leadership of the council is the politicians who set the vision, direction and policies for the council, and that the corporate leadership team manages the plans and resources to deliver this vision.

The cabinet works closely with the corporate leadership team and this will continue. Together they will ensure that the 4 year business plan is delivered, the budget is managed and that we promote a culture that places our customer first, that focuses on communities and a can-do approach to everything we do.

The proposed new model will continue with this the close working arrangement and will provide clear and robust leadership.

Lots of you have submitted comments on the proposal, thank you for this feedback. The consultation period ends on 21 September and all your views will be taken into account as part of the process.

I would just like to take this opportunity to reiterate what the corporate leadership team said earlier this week, that it is the strength of your hard work and commitment to delivering excellent services, combined with our clear vision and plans for the next four years that has placed the council in a position of strength to be able to consider a structure that promotes this new model.

Have a good weekend everyone and I will be in touch again on Monday.


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Wednesday 14 September

I thought it may be helpful and a good time to re launch my blog and keep you all updated of what’s happening at the moment and, in particular, information relating to the proposal for restructuring the council’s senior management team.
I’m sure many of you will have seen the recent media coverage and maybe aware of the questions I have been asked about this proposal.

I have been extremely clear that the proposal is based on the council being in a strong position and able to adopt a new management model that focuses on delivery in our local communities.

We have a vision and a four year Business and Financial Plan that sets out what we will deliver and where we will invest in key services.

However, the pressures we face in budgeting both now and in the future are huge. Next year the council needs to find savings of around £36 million and the proposed restructure will save us £500,000. I am proposing that we find these savings from our senior team and not from our front line staff.

Yesterday, I met with the Extended Leadership Team and talked to all the directors about the proposal. I used this meeting to reaffirm my confidence in the team and their extensive knowledge and capability to continue to deliver excellent services and new initiatives for the people of Wiltshire.

I invited the team to submit their views and thoughts on the proposal. The proposed structure is now on The WIre and if any of you wish to submit your thoughts by 21 September, these will be considered by the cabinet, when it meets at the end of September/early October to decide the future management arrangements for the council.

I realise that the announcement to propose a new senior management structure is unsettling for some of you, particularly those directly affected by the proposal, but I am both confident and clear that the hard work, commitment and professionalism of all of you has enabled this proposal to be put forward for debate and consideration.

I welcome your thoughts and am pleased to see that the rumour buster is being used as a channel to seek clarity and the facts and that some of you have joined the discussion forum.
