Thursday, 16 February 2012

Thursday 16 February

Is it just me or does time seem to go so fast these days! I can’t believe it’s already mid-February and that we’re about to set next year’s budget and that we’re only 78 days away from the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee big event at the Cathedral Close in Salisbury and now less than 100 days away from the Olympic Torch coming into Wiltshire on its trip around the country.

The last two weeks have been especially busy as we completed the staff forums. The corporate directors and I met and talked to over 2,500 of you about the council’s plans and priorities for this year. It was good to take some time to reflect on the many achievements and tangible outcomes that we have delivered over the past few months. As a result of our good management we are in a position to propose a budget for next year that continues to invest money into key front line services and protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

This doesn’t mean that we won’t still have challenges and tough decisions to make, and that we will also need to continue to find efficiencies so that we can align resources where they are most needed.

Today my cabinet discussed and approved the proposed budget for next year (2012/13) and the key areas for investment. The proposals took into account the feedback from the recent budget consultation forums which we held across the county. Local people gave their views on where they would spend more money and make savings. A popular choice for additional spend was free swimming for the under 16s in the school holidays, and, as a result, I was pleased to propose at cabinet today proposals to reinstate this free swimming for the under 16s, particularly in light of the forthcoming Olympic Games and the need to continue to help combat obesity in Wiltshire children. We always regretted having to stop free swimming when the government withdrew this funding and I am delighted that we are in a position to reintroduce this vital service. The budget proposals will be considered by full council on February 28.

At cabinet today we also discussed and appointed a preferred bidder to develop the Central Car Park and Maltings site in Salisbury. This key redevelopment, which is located in the heart of the city centre, will totally reinvigorate the city and its local economy.

And...talking of Salisbury, we were also delighted to hear last week, from the Palace, that the Queen is planning to visit on the 1 or 2 May and the event we are planning for the 1st of May will be a huge opportunity for us to showcase all our communities and we look forward to welcoming her to Wiltshire. There will be a large event in the Cathedral grounds where all of our local areas have been invited to take part. The theme is democracy as the Magna Carta is held in the Cathedral and there will be a programme of entertainment reflecting medieval times and the wealth of Wiltshire.

With this event and the Olympic Torch Relay we are really going to be in the spotlight this year. We know the world’s media will be highlighting our county and we want to make sure that we use 2012 as a year of celebration and opportunity.

I just hope the time doesn’t keep going as fast as there is so much to do in the next 78 days! I am looking forward to working with some of you on this year’s events as we will need you to help in many roles to ensure we deliver the very best of Wiltshire.
