I am pleased to announce that my triplets are thriving and keeping me busy. Life on the farm is a far cry from my work at the council – although each presents some pretty interesting challenges and both keep me really busy!
Early this week we made national headlines as the government agreed a joint bid by us, Swindon Borough Council and the Local Enterprise Partnership which will mean we are able to unlock the economic power of the military in our county. The bid, which is called the Swindon and Wiltshire Deal, will see military leavers’ skills being used by companies who wish to locate and grow in the area. It will also mean surplus MOD land (as well as other government-controlled sites) will be brought forward so they can be considered as areas for potential appropriate development. The bid includes funding for 2,000 university places and higher apprenticeships to support our workforce becoming more skilled. This will mean companies – no matter how specialist – wishing to move or expand here will be able to employ highly skilled local people. Much of the bid is about negotiation and devolving government powers to local authorities and our business partners, and although it’s early days and more details need to be agreed this is really excellent news for Wiltshire. As you know keeping the local economy buoyant is a key priority for the council and this news is a real boost.
On Tuesday the corporate directors, my cabinet and I briefed the media about next year’s budget. These briefings are very important for all of us and they give the media the opportunity to ask us about anything. BBC Wiltshire, Heart FM and a journalist who covers the Gazette and Herald, Wiltshire Times and Salisbury Journal talked to us about the budget proposals that are set out in the financial plan 2013/14. I’ve always said I want this council to be open, honest and transparent and holding these sessions certainly helps towards this.
The financial plan will be discussed by all members at full council next Tuesday (26 February). The meeting will be held in the Civic Centre in Trowbridge and members will consider our proposals for investment, protecting the most vulnerable and where we will make savings to pay for this. We will propose investment into children’s services and both cllr Laura Mayes and I attended the regular meeting of the Safeguarding Improvement Board on Wednesday. This is where we and our partners including NHS Wiltshire and Wiltshire Police come together to update on the progress that we have made in improving safeguarding. A lot of excellent work is being carried out and it’s clear there is an absolute drive to continue to improve. Getting all the people responsible for delivering safeguarding and adoption services in Wiltshire round one table has proved to be invaluable.
Working with partners was again the focus of last night’s community legacy meeting held in Salisbury. Now, I’m passionate about the legacy steering board and building on the enthusiasm and momentum that last year’s events generated. We need to capture this and deliver tangible outcomes but what’s really key to this is how we continue to work closely with other organisations and communities to do more. We have never worked so closely with Salisbury City Council and this is reaping real rewards for the city’s residents, businesses and for Wiltshire as a whole and last night’s meeting highlighted just how much the local communities want to do more this year and bring people together recognising the benefits that this delivers. Lots of good ideas were shared and there was a tangible energy for taking these forward.
This morning it was an early start for me and Wiltshire’s business leaders as we played host to the Wessex Business Breakfast in the Atrium at County Hall – this is the first of many of these business-focussed events taking place this year and they have the local economy at their heart. We are showing that the public sector can do business in a modern way and I was so pleased to see so many of the attendees taking tours of County Hall to see just how fantastic the building is and how we work now. Again, this is another example of us building on links forged last year for the benefit of all and long may it continue.
I understand that the shortlist for the corporate staff awards 2012 is being announced today. Can I just take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of you who have been shortlisted and to say it is always good to recognise both staff and members who deliver so much and make a real difference in our local communities. I am looking forward to finding out the winners at the awards ceremony on 12 March in County Hall.
I will update you all on the outcome of the budget in next week’s blog.