I’m often asked what keeps me motivated and energised – and it’s one of the easier questions to answer.
What really keeps me focused is seeing all of our hard work come to fruition and the positive difference this has on our communities.
Just recently I saw this first-hand in Salisbury when we officially opened Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre. This is an incredible facility which is proving to be hugely popular.
In Melksham we handed over Oakfields – a conference standard sports facility to the town’s football and rugby clubs. This fantastic facility will benefit not just the clubs, but also the hundreds of young people involved in playing football and rugby at all ages and levels.

This morning in Malmesbury we handed over the keys to the Riverside Community Centre to the volunteers from the Friends of the Riverside who have worked so hard to deliver this new hub and I have every confidence that they will make the facility a huge success.
These facilities are all unique to their community and have been based on local needs and have come to fruition as a result of the positive working partnerships with the community and partners.
I have always been proud about what we’ve been able to achieve as a council. It’s easy to forget that we’ve only existed as an organisation for eight years, so as far as I’m concerned, the progress we have made has been staggering – particularly as for much of this time we have been in a period of austerity. This challenged us to think differently about the way we do things and it has paid dividends.
We don’t believe in simply ‘spending’ money, we think it’s important to ‘invest’ it. These investments must deliver a return and we need to be clear about what you get for your money. This is slightly trickier in terms of the impact on communities but we are already seeing the benefits of these investments.
Attendance at the new centres and community hubs has exceeded expectation and communities are embracing the new way in which we are providing services. We have created a warm, welcoming environment to encourage people to use the facilities on offer whether that’s the library, cafĂ©, the gym, or to access advice about a council service. We want to bring people closer together, provide new opportunities and activities in their local area and help them to be healthier and happier as a result.

It was good to celebrate a different kind of partnership this week when I was invited to visit Good Energy and meet their team. The company is based on the top floor of Monkton Park, following their move last year, and they have settled in really well to this new environment. Their staff were so positive and I was really pleased to see that our efforts to help support an innovative, forward-thinking business to relocate and remain in Chippenham have been so successful.
As it was Valentines’ Day, Good Energy made a cake which had written on it ‘Good Energy loves Wiltshire Council’ – a different kind of thank you, but very welcome –
And, thinking about it – maybe its cake that helps with my motivation!