Thursday 25 October 2018

A living memorial to remember them…

Inscribed on war memorials across Wiltshire are the names of the fallen from WW1.

For each of those names there were families, just like our own, who were stricken with grief.
You only have to reflect on the same suffering in every village and town across Wiltshire to understand why the memory of 1914-18 still provokes so many emotions of sadness, regret and respect.

This week, Wiltshire Council once again displayed the giant poppy at the front of County Hall, and additionally to mark the centenary, four haunting Tommy Silhouettes were unveiled and stand proud at the entrance to the building.
It’s important that all of us commemorate and remember the centenary of the Armistice.

I was invited to Tidworth Garrison last week to plant a beech tree to mark the start of a countywide community project that will see 10,000 trees planted as a dedication to honour those who sacrificed their lives in WW1.

Like the 10,000 crosses that form the Wall of Remembrance, created by Wiltshire school children in 2014, each tree represents a native of Wiltshire who set out for France, Flanders or further afield to serve their country, and never returned.

Through our communities their legacy will live on and we will remember them.

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