Friday, 1 November 2013

Friday 1 November 2013

I hope you weren't too affected by the weekend's storm. I am aware that many of you worked around the clock to clear hundreds of fallen trees and keep people updated on flooding, power cuts and other problems that the storm caused and I’d like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and commitment. We'll soon be moving into winter and this storm shows how our highways and streetscene teams deal with issues that adverse weather can cause. It also demonstrates how services across the council pull together to keep Wiltshire safe and minimising the impact in adverse conditions and emergencies.

Aside from the storm, last week was an interesting week, particularly for Trowbridge. The town saw its long-awaited cinema open on Friday. People often don't realise just how much behind-the-scenes work goes into securing investment and appropriate development in our communities. This is an example of how, again teams from across the council including economic development and planning, worked together so that Trowbridge, in this instance, benefited from major investment that has created jobs and will boost the local economy. I've spoken to lots of people who are delighted that the town now has an Odeon Cinema, and will soon have new restaurants and a hotel. Investment generates further investment and if this year is anything to go by Trowbridge's future is looking pretty good!

Speaking of investment and the economy Vince Cable MP – Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills was the key note speaker at the Wessex Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast last Friday. He stressed that the time for investment is when the economic climate is not so buoyant and that there are lots of businesses looking to invest and help drive the future economy. He was particularly interested in Wiltshire as we are delivering significant investment across many of our towns and in Salisbury. Following the breakfast I discussed the future Science Park at Porton, which the government has agreed to support; recognising the impact and need for science and engineering skills and businesses in the national economy.

Continuing on the economy theme – I was on BBC Wiltshire on Wednesday morning discussing the Wilton Business Event that I attended. Some people perceive that there is less support for the economy and businesses in the south of the county compared with the north. I have to say I don't hold with this view although I was keen to hear the views of business representatives in Wilton. In the south we have recently opened Castledown Business Park and The Enterprise Network which is supporting start up and small businesses that are looking to grow, Salisbury's Market Place, the Maltings and Central Car Park in the city are currently being redeveloped, a new University Technical College providing training in science and engineering will open in 2015 and Porton Science Park, as I mentioned above – are just a few examples of investment and development that are taking place in the south of the county.  When it comes to the economy there are no geographical boundaries within Wiltshire. What matters to me is that the county as a whole benefits from entrepreneurs being supported to start-up companies, small businesses can grow and expand, large companies are attracted to invest in suitable areas and that we help to create and safeguard jobs to ensure we keep unemployment low and Wiltshire has a thriving and buoyant economy.

Yesterday (Thursday 31 October) and today I am on military duty; tomorrow I will be attending the welcome home parade in Malmesbury for the 9 Regiment RLC following their service in Afghanistan. It is always moving and emotional to see our troops come back home to Wiltshire and to recognise their challenging role in rebuilding and safeguarding people in war torn countries. On Friday I will be in Tidworth at the official opening of the new Tidworth Garrison Theatre, which replaces the old theatre that was located behind the wire in the garrison. The new facility is outside the wire and reflects the integration of the military and community. I am looking forward to seeing the new theatre, that I understand can host up to 700 people, and I am delighted that the first major event in this new building will be the Wiltshire Assembly on 2 December which will focus on military integration – more about this soon…


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