Friday, 3 October 2014

Time for a little bit of reflection

I can’t believe we’re into October already – just where has this year gone?

I often wonder if it’s a good thing when time passes so quickly. It’s usually is a sign of a busy, active life with lots happening and that’s certainly been the case in the context of council life and business throughout this year.

I fully appreciate that we’ve always been a forward thinking and ambitious council and this drives us to do more and to do better. It’s always good to reflect and right now we are planning the staff forums that are scheduled for early December – which is only weeks away! These forums are always a great opportunity to look back and realise just what we have delivered and achieved, as well as the opportunity to look ahead and to discuss the future and where we are heading.

I have to say the list of achievements in the past six months is overwhelming. All services have focused on positive change and delivery and we are making a huge difference. We are encouraging and supporting our local communities to really get involved and to work with us to shape and deliver the services that are right for them and reflect their local needs. From the roll out of the activities for young people to the campus delivery programme – there is no doubt that our communities are getting more involved. And, the recent response to our green waste collection – the highest response ion a survey ever – shows the interest people have in the services they receive and we provide.

Getting communities involved and for them to take responsibility for what they need takes time, encouragement and support. It’s also about creativity and inspiring people to see the future and what they can achieve. Corsham Campus opened its first phase this summer and if you haven’t visited yet, it’s well worth a look, as it’s an accolade to the people from that community who have delivered a campus that provides what the Corsham area needs – a mix of key services and community space – in a bright, welcoming and modern environment. Even though it’s not fully open – that will be next year – the response to the first phase has been nothing but positive seeing a huge rise is visitors and users of the new library, café and community rooms.

The campus programme is big and will transform many local areas. This combined with the huge investment of money coming via the Local Economic Partnership (LEP) will see big changes in our county over the next few years. Major investment into roads to improve links and to key sites such as Chippenham Railway Station - £16 million pounds – and Porton Science Park will see our communities growing and thriving.

And as an eternal optimist and one of those half full people, I am of the view that the local economy is starting to pick up. This investment can only be great news for Wiltshire and it will give confidence to businesses and developers that not only is this a good place to invest, it’s also a good place to locate a business.

I think life will continue to move at a fast pace and whilst it can sometimes feel exhausting it’s also invigorating and exiting. I am really looking forward to seeing you all at the forums and I am also delighted to hear that the staff awards have been re launched in recognition of the excellent and outstanding work that you do.

And talking of recognition, as a thank you to staff for all your hard work and commitment to improving the quality of life for people in Wiltshire, I am pleased to announce that Christmas Eve will be a day’s holiday this year.

I want as many staff as possible to have a well-earned break, and I have announced this now to allow teams to look at the requirements over this period, as I fully appreciate that some of our vital front line services will continue to be provided during this period.


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