Monday, 18 December 2017

A look back at what you've achieved in 2017

Christmas is now only a week away and I know I say this every year – but, where has 2017 gone? 

It has totally flown by. As well as a busy year in Wiltshire and the House of Lords, I’ve spent some time on the independent taskforce set up following the Grenfell Tower fire, which has been both emotional and enlightening.  Like many of you, I can honestly say that I’m looking forward to recharging my batteries and indulging in some family time.

Looking back at 2017 it really has been another year of delivery and achievement and that’s down to all of you. We are an organisation that delivers, even in the most challenging of times. As I said in my last blog our success is our people. 

It’s sometimes hard to reflect and remember all the highlights of the past 12 months; particularly as life moves forward at such a pace, but for me this year has been about the election of a new council – publishing a forward thinking 10 year business plan that stays true to our vision and priorities – and, it’s been about appointing a new leadership team to manage and drive the delivery of our ambitions and plans. 

In a climate when we hear that so many councils across the country are stopping services, I am so pleased that we are an exception and that we continue to invest, This year we opened state of the art community facilities across the county with others underway due for completion in 2018 and beyond – and, we’ve improved the roads and we’re helping to regenerate Salisbury City and other market towns, continually improving the local economy and the place we live and work in.

Next year for me will be a year of opportunity. It’s the time that we push forward our digital agenda and we become even more business-like and grasp commercialism so that we can generate more income in ways that we haven’t tried previously. To protect our front services – particularly for those most vulnerable – we have to try new and different things. That’s what we’re good at – we embrace change and we take risks – we will make the most of every opportunity that we can.

On behalf of my deputy John and all the cabinet members, I would like to say a very big thank you for everything you have done for Wiltshire this year. We are all appreciative and proud of your hard work and continued commitment to making our county even better.

Whatever your plans are over the festive period, please have a well-earned break and my special thanks goes to those of you who will be working, or on call, during this time so that our services can continue. 

Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Monday, 4 December 2017

Positive recognition from our peers

I am often asked what makes a good organisation great. It’s an interesting question and one which I have had the opportunity to consider as I gain an insight into how other authorities carry out their business. One thing I’ve realised is that it’s often easier to find fault and be a critic than it is to highlight the positives. In most cases when looking at others and how they do things, you can find examples of good practice – but, what defines good, and when does good become great?

In my view and experience – achieving great comes down to one overriding factor – people.

Its people with energy, vision, passion and those who care that make an organisation stand out from the others and deliver great outcomes.

The recent staff engagement forums and peer review visit brought this home to me and reaffirmed just how great this council is.

The video, shown at the forums, which looked back at the past twelve months featuring our vast range of achievements was both inspirational and overwhelming, highlighting the scale and diversity of what we do and what we deliver.

This film, combined with the recognition Achieving Excellence awards video, demonstrated that being great is without doubt about people.

All the individuals and teams nominated for an award and those who received one are undeniably exceptional – and, to have their work recognised by their peers is surely the greatest accolade.

It was, therefore, so good to receive positive recognition from the external peers following their recent visit to look at how we do things in Wiltshire.  The peers who come from different local authorities with a wide range of skills and experience spent around 260 hours assessing us.

Their full findings will be published in due course, but I can reveal that they found us to have strong leadership, a clear direction, and an ambitious business plan. But, most importantly, they stated that we have a great team and that you said this a great place to work, where you feel valued.

For me, this is what makes us great – the people that work here and go over and above every day to improve the lives of people in Wiltshire.

In our busy day to day work we can overlook what we’ve achieved and how far we’ve come. It’s only when others visit us and are wowed by the buildings, the staff, the attitude and the enthusiasm to continually improve and do things in new and different ways, do we realise just how good – or should I say how great – we really are.

We are often invited to share our experiences and learning with others. Recently I was asked to discuss our unitary journey on Gloucestershire radio. To us it’s a journey that we completed almost a decade ago - but for others it’s just the start of their journey to change and improve their offer. We have got used to welcoming visiting authorities to talk through what and how we do things, so that they can take away our insight and expertise and use this to instigate their own change – the change that we now take for granted.

We are highly regarded as a vanguard council, and we’ve worked hard for this endorsement. Our continual quest for quality, for improvement, and for ways to do things even better is what’s at our core and what defines us.

I am extremely proud to be the leader of Wiltshire Council and my pride is in all of you – the people that make our organisation what it is. Thank you for what you do and for making Wiltshire a better place – you are truly great!


Friday, 17 November 2017

We will remember them

November is always a particularly poignant time of year. It’s a time when the nation falls silent to remember those who gave their lives so that we have our freedom.

Remembrance services took place across the country and I attended services in Tidworth and Malmesbury. I joined these two local communities as they reflected and paid their respects for the role that our Armed Forces do to protect the country. I never fail to be moved at the huge sacrifice made by so many in the World Wars and other conflicts; particularly here in Wiltshire which is steeped in military history.

Last Saturday, it was 11 November – which marked the 99 year anniversary marking the end of the First World War. Next year - 2018 - will mark the centenary of the Armistice; a significant milestone.

To mark such an historical and special date it’s only right and fitting that Wiltshire considers and creates an appropriate and long-lasting legacy. We cannot forget the hundreds of thousands who served and those who died during the four years of this Great War.

Wall of Remembrance
In 2014, we invited Wiltshire’s communities and children to help commemorate the anniversary of the start of the war. A remembrance service, held at Tidworth Cemetery, brought together the military and civilian communities and a striking Wall of Remembrance – made up of 10,000 crosses, one for each soldier who lost their life – was a significant and memorable feature at this event.  School children across the county made the crosses and researched the soldiers who had died in service from their local communities so that each cross bears the name of a soldier and a personal message. This research and participation in creating the Wall is helping to keep the legacy and memories alive.

Our local communities want to mark next year’s centenary and create a lasting legacy. The aim is to plant 10,000 trees across Wiltshire – one for each soldier. The response so far has been overwhelming, with groups and organisations across the length and breadth of our county already identifying sites locally where trees can be planted next November.

Working with the Woodland Trust, we will assist school children in all the communities to plant the trees and mark each one with the name of a soldier.

Across the county memorial woodlands and copses will be created to remember, to reflect, and to never forget.

Wiltshire Assembly
Having a strong military that protects us from future conflict and keeps us safe is vital and we are proud that Wiltshire will be home to 4,000 more troops and their families by 2020.

Last week Wiltshire Assembly focused on this and how we continue to work with the military to make sure that we are doing all we can to welcome the Armed Forces.  

You may have seen the recent Channel 4 broadcast that showed the 999 What’s Your Emergency programme with the theme of military, which focused on the impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that can affect soldiers returning from war zones. It also highlighted civilian and military communities and the issues that can occur when they come together; particularly on a Saturday night.

For me it reinforced the need to continue to bring these communities together for mutual support and benefit.

Wiltshire’s Military Civilian Integration Partnership has gone from strength to strength since it was formally established in 2006. We will continue to work together to focus on what’s needed to provide support; particularly those leaving the Armed Forces and wishing to make their home and secure employment in Wiltshire.

Together we are building truly integrated communities. We are proud to be a military county and we must never forget the sacrifice of so many.

We will remember them.


Friday, 20 October 2017

My trip to India and recognition for our work with the Armed Forces

As some of you may know I recently took a trip with a colleague from the House of Lords to India. It was a late summer holiday and a break away to see the country and its famous landmarks and attractions.

Jane and Baroness Liz Redfern
But the trip also gave me a real insight into a very different culture and way of living and yet in so many ways what I saw and experienced resonated so much with Wiltshire. They have a very strong ethos around building communities that look after their own and support those most vulnerable. They take volunteering and helping others as part of their everyday life and for me one of the highlights of my trip was a visit to the Golden Temple. Every day, all day hundreds of volunteers welcome and feed tens of thousands of people who otherwise would not have a meal or sustenance, or time with other people. Seeing humanity on this scale was both humbling and encouraging. I have shared some of the pictures from my trip to highlight these awesome sights and people.

Outside the Golden Temple

Inside the Golden Temple

Taj Mahal
Wiltshire embraces volunteering and we have always prioritised looking after those who are most vulnerable and I am often overwhelmed by people’s generosity and kindness and their tenacity to help others and make a difference. My visit to India was a reminder that across the world volunteers are helping to make life so much better for others.

On returning from India, this week’s full council meeting highlighted for me our humanity to others in Wiltshire. A family of Syrian refugees spoke to us about their experience two years on since after being relocated in the county. In fluent English they told us their delight to be part of a community where they now work and study and have expanded their family with a new 2 month old baby daughter. Their gratitude shone through and they are thankful for the opportunity to have a future that provides security and support. Everyone at the meeting was humbled and united in their support for the family and the many other refugees we have housed and continue to offer a home to. 

We do communities well in Wiltshire and I’m very proud that we do…

I was so delighted that our work to help integrate military and civilian communities in Wiltshire was recognised at the highest level. Alistair Cunningham and Kevin Ladner – who have worked tirelessly to bring these communities together - joined me to receive, on behalf of Wiltshire Council, the MOD's Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award from HRH Price Harry at a ceremony in London last week. This is the highest badge of honour for organisations that have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and demonstrated their outstanding support for those who serve and have served. It recognises the work we do to support the military community and our ex-service personnel who have made their home in our county. 

We know that to have strong and able communities we need to help them to integrate and provide the support and facilities needed to do this. Whilst we could show India a thing or two, I did learn a lot from my time there. What I do know is that when we unite together and pool our talent and energy we can achieve so much and really go some way to help improve the lives of others and ourselves…

Finally, after 11 years we are saying farewell to Carolyn Godfrey, and I can honestly say that we wouldn’t be as strong as we are now without her incredible service and giving. Carolyn, thank you for all you have done - you will be so missed.


Monday, 11 September 2017

Consulting on the challenges ahead


If you’ve had the chance to get away over the summer, I hope you enjoyed the break and welcome back!

There used to be a time when the council seemed to noticeably slow down in the summer months, but I don’t think that is quite the case anymore. Whilst there were less meetings, there was still lots going on.

I’m really pleased that we interviewed and appointed the new senior leadership team; Alistair, Carlton, Carolyn (until she retires) and Terence. The corporate director role for health and social care is being progressed. I think it’s great that we had had the talent and skills within the organisation and that we are now in a strong position to deliver the business plans and the big programmes that will make a real difference to the people of Wiltshire. The new areas of digitisation and commercialism will be a key focus and drivers for change in how we do business over the next few years and save the money we need and protect our front line services.

This week saw the first of our public meetings, in Salisbury, to raise awareness of the challenges we face; including the need to find £45m over the next three years and how we are going to do this.

Along with the need to save money, we also face other challenges: the impact of an ageing population, the need to safeguard the most vulnerable, how we drive forward economic growth, providing enough quality housing, and maintaining our vast network of roads – to name just a few!

It is important to spend time in the local communities engaging with residents to raise awareness of the position we are in, but more importantly, to explore how we continue to work together to manage these challenges.

Working with communities has always been key to what we do here in Wiltshire, and the importance of that work, and the huge amount we’ve achieved as a result, has really been brought home to me this summer when I started work on the Grenfell Tower independent taskforce, set up to support the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council to develop a long-term recovery plan. That work continues and I will continue to keep you updated.


Monday, 31 July 2017

Grenfell Independent Taskforce Group

In my last blog I talked about freedom of speech and the right to have your voice heard and your views expressed in an open and laudable way. This is something that we as British citizens see as normal, and in many places across the country it is the voice of the people that has helped things to change and improve, and to build a place that is theirs; a place where people can live and work and choose as their home.

I know I’ve said it many times, but we really are fortunate in Wiltshire, to live in a place that has strong and supportive communities; a place where people do come together consistently to take action, make positive things happen, and to help one another. I could provide countless examples of this, but you will already be aware of the many events and activities that take place; from local events and festivals, to litter picking to target those awful hot spots, to participation in group activities such as walking or cycling, or joining one of the hundreds of clubs that offer companionship, the sharing of hobbies, and the time and opportunity to build relationships, make friends, establish contacts and be part of a thriving local community.

It takes years to build these communities. These are places that can, and do, embrace new people and change and opportunities. It usually involves the drive and energy of those people that naturally galvanise community spirit and they organise what’s needed. They’re the people that make things happen, they get things done, and we all know someone where we live, or work, that is such a person.

It is these communities that can cope and can continue to thrive, even in the worst of times. Just recently the whole country was both shocked and affected by the dreadful event of the Grenfell Tower incident. It was sad beyond belief and I cannot begin to imagine the impact on those directly involved in this tragedy. The community of North Kensington was devastated by its loss and by the impact of what happened to their people and their place, and its spirit was visibly broken.

There is no doubt that it needs to rebuild and recover. Inevitably this will take time, and plans and actions have to be discussed and agreed. The local community needs to come together; to talk, to share stories, to grieve and most importantly to be heard and supported in focusing on its future.

I am pleased to have been asked by Communities Secretary, Sajid Javid to be on a new independent taskforce to support the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council to work with the local community to develop a long term recovery plan.

Wiltshire’s track record and reputation for effectively engaging and working with diverse local communities was, in part, the reason why I was asked to take on this important role.

In difficult and adverse times often one of two things can happen; either people retrench and disconnect, or they fight to make things better.

There is no doubt that the North Kensington community needs to come together to discuss and decide on the actions that are needed to rebuild their homes, their place and to shape a community that will be a legacy to those who lost their lives and to those that are suffering from the life changes they now face.

I hope that in Wiltshire we never see such an event, and that we won’t ever suffer the scale of devastation and loss that they have. What happened affected the very heart of their community; and I hope that those people who do motivate and encourage that unique spirit will be at the forefront in helping with the rebuilding and recovery process.

As I’ve said before we live in an unpredictable world, and events that happen can take us by surprise. In my view, now is the time to become stronger, to help each other and to support both those who need it most. 

I hope that what we have established and learnt in Wiltshire over many years of working with our communities will go some way towards helping the North Kensington community to become even stronger and to talk about what it needs, and most importantly to build a positive future out of such a tragedy. 


Friday, 30 June 2017

A time to reflect

So was the outcome of the recent general election a surprise to you? It was to me and I think the whole country is still reflecting on what happened.  

For the first time ever young people turned out in their droves to vote and have their say on the future of the country. Their awareness of the election was raised partly due to the use of social media to target messages directly so that they became engaged and motivated to take part and have their voice heard.

As a council we need to learn and consider how we use social media to communicate more with the young people in our communities.

Democracy is a truly wonderful thing and something we should never take for granted. I was pleased to see such a high turn out across the country and that more than 75% of Wiltshire voted demonstrating how seriously people take their right to vote. 

This country promotes freedom of speech and this freedom is a real strength in Wiltshire where communities and individuals are actively encouraged to have their say on matters that impact on them. This can be anything and recently included where houses will be built in future years, where business growth is needed, and what road improvements need to be prioritised. Young people are invited to say what activities they want and need and how these can be best provided. It’s about taking responsibility and making the place we live – our community - part of us and a place where we invest our time and energy and where we can belong.

I wonder though how often any of us pause to consider this freedom?

The local BBC has been broadcasting stories of the refugees that have resettled in Wiltshire after fleeing war zones, atrocities and horror that many of us would never encounter in our lifetime. These people and families had no freedom, no opportunities, and there only focus was survival.  And, many of them have survived, and are now thriving in local communities across the county. Wiltshire has embraced these people who sought solace and help and we have welcomed them wholeheartedly providing support, advice and the things they need to feel like they belong. Many are now in employment and the children have settled into schools and are growing up with the freedom that they deserve to express themselves. This integration demonstrates the unique qualities that makes Wiltshire one of the best counties in the country. We promote community, and we encourage people to come together and we know that diversity is what makes us stronger, more tolerant and in turn more interesting.

In today’s often unpredictable world we need to remember that everyone has something to offer and that together we can become stronger and more able to help each other.

Our thoughts and heartfelt condolences go to the communities affected by the awful tragedies in Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, and also to the regiment that lost two of its Tidworth soldiers during a recent training exercise in Wales.

The Grenfell Tower fire incident is one of the most shocking in recent history and we have to do all that we can to try and prevent anything like this happening again in the future. In Wiltshire we don’t have buildings of that size but we have undertaken checks across the county to make sure buildings are safe.

Last week saw the longest day (21 June) and a peaceful and spirited solstice welcoming of the sunrise at Stonehenge and Avebury. These annual events, which are steeped in history, demonstrate how communities are built over decades of investment from the people who live there and who welcome the new, the different, and the opportunities for the future. This community spirit comes to the fore in the event of a tragedy as we have seen over the past few difficult weeks.

But, it’s also about these communities having the courage to focus on opportunities and changes ahead. We need to look to the future and how we can help to make communities strong so that they are ready and able to cope with whatever may happen. 

Our new plan for the next 10 years sets out how we will do this and I always like to hear what you think and welcome your feedback.


Monday, 5 June 2017

Looking ahead and thoughts with those affected in London


Firstly, I’d like to thank you for helping to make the 29 newly elected members so welcome in their first few weeks in the organisation. I have received lots of positive feedback and in particular my cabinet members and portfolio holders have told me how helpful you’ve been in supporting them in their new roles.

Since the local election we have hit the ground running and the new cabinet has spent time with the corporate directors and wider leadership team focussing on future plans and the direction of the council.

I always prefer to look forward rather than looking back, but sometimes it’s good to remember where you’ve come from in order to keep focused on where you’re heading.

The phrase “we’re on a journey” is often said by businesses and organisations in a period of transition, and whilst I’m not a fan of this phrase, I am a big fan of progress, improvement and moving forward.

To stay still is not an option – and why would we want to?

One of the things that drives me and reminds me of how far we’ve come is our offices – whether at County Hall, Monkton Park or Bourne Hill – we now work in an organisation and environment that is dynamic, progressive and forward-thinking.

We are streets ahead of many other public sector organisations and councils and increasingly I am asked to speak at many events and conferences about the journey we’ve taken and how we have got to where we are.

And what a journey it’s been!

As a trailblazer for local authority reform and progression, it’s sometimes easy to forget how far we’ve come, and that our organisation is only eight years old.

Our working practices – hot desking, mobile and flexible working, in modern open plan offices (or from any number of locations around the county or even further afield) have helped us to deliver millions of pounds of savings while delivering excellent public services.

These working practices are the envy of many - we are still streets ahead of many other authorities who are now coming to us for advice on how to embark upon their own transformation journey.

This week I will be speaking at the Society of Local Council Clerks in Stratford-upon-Avon on devolution from the Wiltshire perspective.

Whilst I’m more than happy to pass on our knowledge and experiences, I’m more interested in where we are heading.

I touched on our new draft business plan in my last blog, and my cabinet and I have done a lot of work to develop this with the leadership team.

Our vision and priorities remain a constant and key to everything we do. The new plan will focus on delivery of these priorities and the next stage of transformation for the organisation. We want to be more business-like and to digitise and commercialise where it’s possible and appropriate, so that we are more efficient, able to provide better services and can meet customer’s expectations. 

The plan will be a blueprint for not just the next four years, but for the next decade.

We need to get it right so that we can be an even stronger organisation able to deliver what the people of Wiltshire need – and deserve. The plan will be shared with you to invite comments and ideas and it will go to cabinet this month for further discussion and to agree the way forward.

The next few years will be both challenging and exciting and I’m looking forward to working with all of you. As a team, working together, we can grasp every opportunity, make decisions and deliver actions that will help to make Wiltshire an even better place. 

*Since writing my blog, the awful events have occurred in London and our heartfelt thoughts are with all those affected.


Tuesday, 16 May 2017

I'm delighted to be re-elected as Leader


I was delighted to be re-elected as Leader of Wiltshire Council at Full Council earlier today.

I am extremely proud to continue in this role and it is such a privilege to work with all of you to deliver our vision and priorities for the residents of Wiltshire; particularly those who are most vulnerable.

I announced my new cabinet at the council meeting today, along with their areas of responsibility. 

I selected my cabinet based on ensuring continuity of both knowledge and experience and new members with new skills. The new cabinet meets formally for the first time next week. 

There are twenty nine new members on the council and I’m sure you will join me in extending a warm welcome to all of them, as well as to those returning. 

One of the first tasks of the new administration will be to agree a new business plan. This isn’t just a document which sits on a shelf – it’s the council’s blueprint for what we will do over the next four years. The aim is for the plan to be discussed and hopefully approved by Full Council before the summer so we are all clear on the direction of travel and what needs to be done.

We all know the next four years will be challenging; particularly as we will have to find £45m during this time to meet the gap in funding and the rising demand for key services. The reality is that we will need to make some difficult decisions.

Our overall vision to deliver stronger and more resilient communities will remain as a firm commitment, but there will be changes in how we do business – there has to be. We need to continue to innovate and adapt, but we also need to make a shift towards being more commercial and business like. 

Our track record of adopting an innovative approach sets us apart from other councils and is probably our unique selling point.

During the next four years two words will feature in how we do things; digitisation and commercialisation.

We know residents expect a level of service at a time that suits them, so we will need to implement new, dynamic digital technology that will meet customer expectation and make us even more efficient.

Commercialism is perhaps a word less associated with the public sector – but that has to change. We have made huge strides to be more business-like, but in my view we now have to take things to another level and become more commercial, looking at how we generate income and maximise our assets.

Key areas of focus going forward will continue to be the integration of health and social care to tackle increasing demand and we will need to focus on early prevention as a way to reduce demand and resources.

This will need team work – both with our partners and our communities.

The next four years certainly won’t be dull!

It will be a mix of challenge, change and new opportunities. Inevitably there will be some ups and downs along the way, but I’m sure that these will help to make us an even stronger organisation – and one that I am extremely proud to lead and be a part of, as I’m sure you are too.

I am delighted to announce the full list of cabinet members as follows: 

Baroness Scott of Bybrook OBE – Leader
•       John Thomson – Deputy Leader – Communications, communities, leisure and libraries 
•       Laura Mayes – Children, education and skills
•       Jerry Wickham – Adult social care, public health and public protection
•       Toby Sturgis – Planning and property
•       Philip Whitehead – Finance, procurement and transformation
•       Bridget Wayman – Highways, transport and waste (new cabinet member)
•       Richard Clewer – Corporate services, heritage, arts and tourism (new cabinet member)
•       Chuck Berry – Economic development and housing (new cabinet member)

Monday, 13 March 2017

A pledge and commitment to support the Armed Forces


Last week I had one of those days when I felt a real milestone had been achieved.

I joined key military and civilian leaders at the newly remodelled MOD Lyneham to represent the council in signing the refreshed Wiltshire Armed Forces Covenant. It was a thought provoking occasion and was far more than the signing of a really important document. It was about the pledge and commitment from the county’s key organisations, including ours, to work together to do all that we can to support the Armed Forces.

We are proud of our long association with the military, and rightly so, and I often tell people that Wiltshire’s unique selling point is its relationship with the military. It’s what makes us unique – we are a military county.

The covenant itself is a commitment that we as the local authority, together with businesses, the public and voluntary sectors will work with the military to bring our collective knowledge, experience and expertise to provide help and advice to members of the Armed Forces and to benefit our county both economically and in local communities.

In turn, the covenant encourages the Armed Forces to support their community and promote activity which encourages integration with civilian life.

Given our special relationship with the military, Wiltshire should be leading the way with the covenant and we were one of the first counties to sign up, so I was really pleased at the strength of support for the refreshed covenant, which encourages businesses to sign up too. Businesses have a huge role in this as they can offer employment to skilled Armed Forces leavers and their spouses, as well as supporting reservists with the time they need.

Our relationship with the military will only get stronger, as we welcome 4,000 service personnel, along with 3,200 family members, over the next few years as part of the Army Basing Programme. We’ve worked hard to develop this special partnership, and we will continue to do so, because it is so important to Wiltshire.
This week we’ll be celebrating a different kind of partnership – the partnership we have with businesses, and how we can work together to help the next generation of elite athletes.

Since 2012 we have worked to connect businesses with our rising sports stars and provide a foundation fund that enables grants to be allocated to help them on their journey to stardom.

Our fourth annual Wiltshire Business and Sports Gala Dinner takes place in the Atrium on Thursday.

All of the money raised from the businesses that support the event goes into the Funding Future Olympians and Paralympians foundation fund, which helps local sports stars either with an elite grant or a scholarship grant – allocated to our younger sports people aged 8 to 16.

Our Wiltshire athletes have had amazing success so far and many are now well known household names and they have instilled a huge sense of pride in our county as they represent us on the worldwide stage.

We know there are many more stars out there – who may just need a little bit of financial support to help them get where they’re going. That’s what we’ll be doing on Thursday, when we present 11 more grants that

I know will make a real difference to these athletes – and, I’m sure, that we’ll be joining them in celebrating the achievement of their own milestones very soon.


Friday, 17 February 2017

Celebrating the positive difference we make to our communities


I’m often asked what keeps me motivated and energised – and it’s one of the easier questions to answer.

What really keeps me focused is seeing all of our hard work come to fruition and the positive difference this has on our communities.

Just recently I saw this first-hand in Salisbury when we officially opened Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre. This is an incredible facility which is proving to be hugely popular.

In Melksham we handed over Oakfields – a conference standard sports facility to the town’s football and rugby clubs. This fantastic facility will benefit not just the clubs, but also the hundreds of young people involved in playing football and rugby at all ages and levels.

In Corsham yesterday, one of the recipients of grants from our Funding Future Olympians and Paralympians Foundation, Stephanie Millward MBE, was the special guest for the official opening of Springfield Community Campus. The swimming pool was renamed after Steph, who has achieved so much winning ten Paralympic medals.

This morning in Malmesbury we handed over the keys to the Riverside Community Centre to the volunteers from the Friends of the Riverside who have worked so hard to deliver this new hub and I have every confidence that they will make the facility a huge success.

These facilities are all unique to their community and have been based on local needs and have come to fruition as a result of the positive working partnerships with the community and partners.

I have always been proud about what we’ve been able to achieve as a council. It’s easy to forget that we’ve only existed as an organisation for eight years, so as far as I’m concerned, the progress we have made has been staggering – particularly as for much of this time we have been in a period of austerity. This challenged us to think differently about the way we do things and it has paid dividends.

We don’t believe in simply ‘spending’ money, we think it’s important to ‘invest’ it. These investments must deliver a return and we need to be clear about what you get for your money. This is slightly trickier in terms of the impact on communities but we are already seeing the benefits of these investments. 

Attendance at the new centres and community hubs has exceeded expectation and communities are embracing the new way in which we are providing services. We have created a warm, welcoming environment to encourage people to use the facilities on offer whether that’s the library, cafĂ©, the gym, or to access advice about a council service. We want to bring people closer together, provide new opportunities and activities in their local area and help them to be healthier and happier as a result. 

It was good to celebrate a different kind of partnership this week when I was invited to visit Good Energy and meet their team. The company is based on the top floor of Monkton Park, following their move last year, and they have settled in really well to this new environment. Their staff were so positive and I was really pleased to see that our efforts to help support an innovative, forward-thinking business to relocate and remain in Chippenham have been so successful.

As it was Valentines’ Day, Good Energy made a cake which had written on it ‘Good Energy loves Wiltshire Council’ – a different kind of thank you, but very welcome – 

And, thinking about it – maybe its cake that helps with my motivation!


Thursday, 19 January 2017

2017 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting year

Hello and welcome to my first blog of 2017. 

Well it’s another year and is it just me or does this time of the year make you more aware that we are all another year older? Maybe it’s the short days and the lack of sunshine and cold, rainy and often grey skies that somehow affect your inner energy and get up and go.

According to the media and psychologists we now have Blue Monday and Divorce days and they are all in January reminding us that the festivities are over and we are once again at the start of a new year combating over indulgence, the lurgies and bugs that seem to grab us when we are at a low ebb and not forgetting the need to tighten our purse strings after the Christmas spend.

I’m just pleased that there is so much to focus on, which is a great motivator on days when let’s be honest you just long to resort to what’s widely known as a Duvet or Pyjama day. 

At this time of year our focus is on setting next year’s budget, which in my view is one of the toughest since we became Wiltshire Council back seven years ago. The opportunities to deliver efficiencies and savings each year is becoming really challenging. Although we have delivered more than £125m of savings since we became a unitary, trying to find the savings needed to balance the books next year is proving to be a tough challenge and unfortunately there is no easy solution and there are few efficiency options left.

Being in the House of Lords has its advantages – last week I was able to meet with the secretary of state for communities and local government, Sajid Javid. The meeting focused on the recent announcement that local authorities can increase the social care levy by 6% over the next two years to help support the service pressures resulting from our growing ageing population. 

Whilst the levy will no doubt help, the pressures on social care services and the NHS are huge and right now across the country hospitals are in crisis trying to cope with the impact of the annual flu bugs and falls and the impact this has on the elderly.

I have always advocated the integration of health and social care to maximise resources and to offer the best possible service for those who are most vulnerable. We need to look at what can be done to make sure that as we all live longer and healthier lives and therefore are able to remain independent to enjoy quality twilight years.

I don’t underestimate the value of having a voice for Wiltshire on the national stage and that it is advantageous to be able to access ministers to convey the impact of Government policy and decisions on our service delivery and budgets. I will continue to use these opportunities, when I need to, to the benefit of our county and its residents.

You can find out more about the issues I raise in the House of Lords on the parliament website.

I have resolved this year to stay positive, relish my independence and health, and keep focused on how we can help others less fortunate and more vulnerable in our local communities.

It’s a new year – I have new resolve and new pyjamas just in case I need one of those Duvet days! 
