Well it’s another year and is it just me or does this time of the year make you more aware that we are all another year older? Maybe it’s the short days and the lack of sunshine and cold, rainy and often grey skies that somehow affect your inner energy and get up and go.
According to the media and psychologists we now have Blue Monday and Divorce days and they are all in January reminding us that the festivities are over and we are once again at the start of a new year combating over indulgence, the lurgies and bugs that seem to grab us when we are at a low ebb and not forgetting the need to tighten our purse strings after the Christmas spend.
I’m just pleased that there is so much to focus on, which is a great motivator on days when let’s be honest you just long to resort to what’s widely known as a Duvet or Pyjama day.
At this time of year our focus is on setting next year’s budget, which in my view is one of the toughest since we became Wiltshire Council back seven years ago. The opportunities to deliver efficiencies and savings each year is becoming really challenging. Although we have delivered more than £125m of savings since we became a unitary, trying to find the savings needed to balance the books next year is proving to be a tough challenge and unfortunately there is no easy solution and there are few efficiency options left.
Being in the House of Lords has its advantages – last week I was able to meet with the secretary of state for communities and local government, Sajid Javid. The meeting focused on the recent announcement that local authorities can increase the social care levy by 6% over the next two years to help support the service pressures resulting from our growing ageing population.
Whilst the levy will no doubt help, the pressures on social care services and the NHS are huge and right now across the country hospitals are in crisis trying to cope with the impact of the annual flu bugs and falls and the impact this has on the elderly.
I have always advocated the integration of health and social care to maximise resources and to offer the best possible service for those who are most vulnerable. We need to look at what can be done to make sure that as we all live longer and healthier lives and therefore are able to remain independent to enjoy quality twilight years.
I don’t underestimate the value of having a voice for Wiltshire on the national stage and that it is advantageous to be able to access ministers to convey the impact of Government policy and decisions on our service delivery and budgets. I will continue to use these opportunities, when I need to, to the benefit of our county and its residents.
You can find out more about the issues I raise in the House of Lords on the parliament website.
I have resolved this year to stay positive, relish my independence and health, and keep focused on how we can help others less fortunate and more vulnerable in our local communities.
It’s a new year – I have new resolve and new pyjamas just in case I need one of those Duvet days!
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