Monday, 16 March 2015

Promise of spring

We are well into March and when the sun shines there is a real sense of spring in the air. The clocks will be going forward in a couple of weeks’ time and the evenings will be brighter and the days longer. I like this time of year – it’s a time of new beginnings and fresh hope – and it’s a time when I would normally be lambing and helping my ewes. This year it’s a new start for me too as my farming days are now behind me. After more than fifty years it’s quite a difference and I realise it will take some getting used to, but as I drive across Wiltshire and see the lambs bouncing in the fields I will enjoy my memories and the reality that spring has arrived. 

Now that the budget has been approved and we have a robust plan for making the savings we need and delivering the investment into services that we know matter to residents, we can focus on what’s happening in the coming weeks.

You may remember last year’s Cycle Wiltshire, which was a great success.  Some of you took part cycling around the beautiful countryside in the Salisbury area.  Well I’m pleased to say we are hosting another Cycle Wiltshire weekend this year.  The Sportive event is on Saturday 9 May starting from Five Rivers Community Campus. All cycling abilities can take part choosing from three distances; 20 miles for the beginners and 64 miles or 100 miles for enthusiasts and those looking for an extra challenge.  There is also a planned one mile route for youngsters and their families ….mmm one for me to consider!

On Sunday (10 May) the Cycle Wiltshire Grand Prix elite cycle race will take place starting from Five Rivers cycling through Salisbury city Centre and out to Wilton. 100 elite riders from top professional teams will take part and I hope lots of local people will again line the route to see and support the best riders in Britain.

When it comes to supporting the next generation of sports stars, I think we do pretty well here in Wiltshire. Later this month we will co-host with the Wessex Chambers of Commerce the second Business and Sports Gala Dinner in the atrium. This event, which we launched last year, raised £30,000 to support our elite athletes and help them on their journey to Rio or future Olympic and Paralympic Games. This year’s dinner has sold out, which is great news, and highlights local business enthusiasm to support our up and coming athletes. As a result of their commitment, the foundation fund set up last year will be topped so that our aspiring and elite sports people can receive the funds they need for travel, coaching and equipment.

I am proud to support our future sporting stars and hope that we can follow their journey to Rio next year as their success puts Wiltshire on the international map. It’s always good to see the top businesses in the county working with us to achieve a shared goal. I’m looking forward to the evening and would be delighted if we can top last year’s success and raise more than £30,000.

I’ve focused a lot on sport but there’s so much more happening this year. The anniversary of the Magna Carta takes place in June and every community in Wiltshire is invited to participate and showcase how they see justice and democracy today. 

A pageant, which promises to be a real spectacle, will take place on 15 June. I look forward to seeing our communities across the county come together to celebrate what makes them unique.

In the midst of the challenges we face we need to stay focused on our priorities; bringing local communities together is one of these and this year’s events and activities provide an opportunity for involvement, participation and the promise of something new – just like spring!

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