Thursday, 2 April 2015

Happy Easter

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Easter. This is always such a lovely time of the year – a welcome break when the days are longer and lighter and I’m sure that like me you will be looking forward to having a few days off to recharge and spend some time with family and friends.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for some warmer spring weather, especially following the high winds that we’ve had this week. Our highways team was out in force clearing around 40 trees off our roads – and that was just one night!
It’s thanks to this team that we keep people moving around the county and most importantly, keep them moving as safely as possible. Whilst I’m saying thank you, could I also say a huge well done to our adult care team for all their hard work that has resulted in us not keeping people in the three hospitals (RUH, GWH and Salisbury) for longer than is necessary. Their work to deliver the support and services that people need to help them recover in their own homes, has meant we currently have no one taking up a hospital bed when they are ready to be discharged.

This has been a huge national issue and one which has received a great deal of publicity. I am delighted that in Wiltshire we are clearly on top of this and providing the joined up care required.

And, I also want to mention all the teams and individuals who were involved in helping to make last week’s business and sports dinner such a success. My particular thanks go to the leisure and communication and events teams as we co-hosted, with the Wessex Chamber of Commerce, the second business and sports dinner in the Atrium.

I am really pleased to update that more than 230 business representatives helped to raise almost £30,000 for the Foundation Fund - set up following last year’s dinner - to support the next generation of Wiltshire’s Olympians and Paralympians. This money will provide grants for more local, elite athletes to assist with their training, attending competitions, equipment and transport to regional, national and international events.

The evening brought businesses and sports people together for mutual benefit and we were able to award grants of £1,000 to eleven Wiltshire athletes to help them on their journey to sports stardom…I’m looking forward to following them especially next year when some will represent the country at Rio.

Thankfully we don’t all have to be elite athletes to enjoy sport and activities. Perhaps the Easter break will provide an opportunity to get out and about and maybe start training for the cycle sportive – which is just over a month away (9/10 May) – or to go for a walk with friends or family in our wonderful countryside and burn off all the Easter eggs and hot cross buns...

Whatever you’re up to, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter, and can I just finally extend my thanks to all of you who are working, or on call, over the long weekend – it is very much appreciated.

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